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Updated: Feb 22, 2022

Sewri Mudflats comprise a unique ecosystem of a wetland surrounded by mangroves on one side and the Arabian Sea on the other. Despite the high degree of pollution, the area is a winter refuge for thousands of migratory birds from as far as the Arctic Circle.

Sewri mudflats have 2 kinds of birds which are migratory winter visitors and the others are resident birds that are present throughout the year. The winter visitors have their breeding grounds in the Himalayas, Pakistan, Or even further. So they have a larger wingspan and can fly at great heights. They mainly feed on aquatic prey such as fishes, amphibians, and aquatic insects while some species also feed on terrestrial prey such as small mammals and insects.

The intertidal flora and fauna along the coastline forms an important dietary share of resident as well as migratory birds.

The increase in the developmental activities in this area might induce changes in the feeding and breeding ecology as also in the quality of water and sediment which in turn might affect the bird population residing in this region.

The section here depicts an overall system of having the flora and fauna sitting in the context of Sewri. The left edge has a mangrove extent of 514 m and the right edge has an extent of 1041m.

The site link attached below has a compiled study of the coastal Eastern edge of Mumbai.

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